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Ride Day

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    I am posting this message under our sponsor log-on as these points need to be made by recognised experts.

    Anyone that knows anything about suspension knows you cannot just bolt swaybars on and expect miracles. You must develop any area of a car progressively and to the driver's ability. You cannot just bolt on parts and bingo its done. Torsion bars, sway bar sizes and shocker settings are critical. Something NOT to be done by the inexperienced, even the replacement of bushes is not a simple job.

    As far as the idea of doing a class for suspension I'm all for making people more aware of their options. When it comes to DIY suspension or any critical part of their cars that must be left to experts in the field.
    If there is a miss-match in the components used it could all turn into a disaster.

    If any member wishes to seek experienced guidance I would urge you to contact one of the several repairers who are sponsors of this board. Suspension is one of the many areas that requires proper planning to get it right and above all the correct level of experience to guarantee the result.



      Well, what can I say that hasn’t already been said… I think even if I walked away and never bought a Porsche, I easily got $95 worth of joy out of Saturday morning!

      For a start, a big (no, HUGE) thanks to Clyde, who gave me the opportunity to experience his car, an RS no less! LHD doesn’t seem to be such an issue to me anymore. I’ll post something more in the LHD vs RHD section soon. I hope I am lucky enough to have a drive again (when I have something to trade with). Although, crunching an easy 3rd to 4th gear change with the RS’s short shifter on the way home may have put paid to that!

      Another specific thank you to Brett, who also let me behind the wheel – a brave man on those twisty bits! I still can’t get over how different these cars are. They look so similar to the untrained eye, but are so very, very different.

      As a prospective buyer, how can you put a price on being able be a passenger in 6 very different Porsches and actually drive 2 of them?!? I can’t believe there were only 2 people looking for 901’s that turned up. Although, purely from a selfish point of view, a big thanks to those who didn’t turn up, as it meant that Costa and I had our pick of cars to ride in!

      I think the club should be very proud of the fact that the members are a group of such amazingly generous and friendly people, willing to share their pride and joy (which to my mind is something akin to letting someone use your toothbrush!)…

      Below are a few photos…photos are supposed to be worth a thousand words, but nothing can compare to driving an RS, or keeping up with an RS in a 356!! Swapping camps for the 356 club is tempting if I could drive a 356 like Alex!

      Thanks guys, can’t wait to do it again!

      Attached Files
      Richard Griffiths
      1970 911T 2.8


        And some more...
        Attached Files
        Richard Griffiths
        1970 911T 2.8


          Originally posted by griffiths_r
          I think the club should be very proud of the fact that the members are a group of such amazingly generous and friendly people, willing to share their pride and joy (which to my mind is something akin to letting someone use your toothbrush!)…


          you are lucky Clyde let you drive the RS and NOT let you use his toothbrush, cause he cleans the bottom of his cars with toothbrushes !

          Glad you enjoyed the day and the experience. I hope other readers of this forum hear you and realise what they missed out on.

          if this experience helps you understand an early P-car better, especially as you test drive them, then that makes you a far more informed buyer unlikely to get stuck with a car which has lots of underlying problems.

          Seems this sort of run will become a more regular event and perhaps it is the ideal place to invite prospective members along to so they experience just what this club is all about. Goods friends and fun cars.
          sigpicPhil Lack
          TYP901 Register Inc. # 002 (Founding President)
          Early 911-S Registry # 690
          R-Gruppe # 367
          '72 911E 2.4 Coupe (SOLD)
          '24 MB GLA35 AMG- daily
          2012 BMW 1M Coupe 6-spd (for sale)
          1974 FIAT 124 Sport coupe


            Hi Guys,

            What can I say - I think that all the superlatives have been used up but here I go.....

            Great RS (thanks Clyde)
            Great 356 (thanks Alex & the Webster Foundation)
            Great roads
            Great drive
            Great company
            Great eggs Benedict
            Great t-ts on the jogger (for those who were wondering!)
            Great way to spend a Saturday

            We have a great run to Torquay planned in the New Year - date TBA

            Best Wishes

            PS - Attached is a pic of James helping with the car......
            Attached Files


              Now we have your attention Marcus post a picture of your car in the show your ride post please.

              That way you'll get plenty of emails showing activity on the site
              Clyde Boyer
              TYP 901 Register Inc.
              Early S Register Member #294


                That's Bahama Yellow, yeah?


                  OK Mike,

                  So we have done the suspension bushes whats next?

                  Shocks is my guess.
                  Clyde Boyer
                  TYP 901 Register Inc.
                  Early S Register Member #294


                    Originally posted by Marcus (0J 911)
                    PS - Attached is a pic of James helping with the car......

                    I think James has just checked your alternator belt tension...sure looks like he was a little concerned with his findings! :lol:

                    Great kid! (But you know I'm a mushy Mum!)


                      When doing any work, particularly on suspension, it can be grouped so you can do it in stages.

                      Shockers and strut inserts can be done at almost any time even without upsetting your alignment settings if you know how and are careful.

                      Torsion bars and bushes should be done together as one will require the other to be disturbed, also your wheel alignment will be altered. Another good item to do at this time is fit Turbo tie rod-ends again these will upset your wheel alignment.

                      Then as a final thing which also does not upset wheel alignment is the fitment of sway bars again like strut inserts and shockers can be fitted at any time



                        Its signal orange - cameras do strange things!

